Sunday, January 9, 2011

Weekends are Good

Weekends that are relaxing are the best. Friday night shopping. New books and new gadgets for the kitchen. Yay Ebelskevers for the first time with blueberries and really nummy mable syrup with vanilla. nice friday night snack. Jay helped.  A minor tragedy struck in the kitchen while rushing to make the abelskivers. Jay went to get mixer out of cupboard and fell over the dishwasher door onto the floor. Minor sprain of wrist. Scary but funny. I wish I could replay that whole scene all over for him. yes i can be an evil one. Saturday was built on excersise, football (for jay), some cleaning, and then a fun evening watching roller derby. Go Emerald City All-Stars. You kicked butt. Final score not fresh but it was something like 201 to 66. uh....the little extreme win for them but nicely done. Today, was all about making a new great soup, compliments of OhSheGlows blog. WOW! Good stuff and sooo healthy with red curry, spinach, veg broth, and bunch of veggies. and some lite reading, napping, and ending with movies. All and all a good weekend with the exception of the sprained wrist. Cant wait till next weekend already. Hate work!!

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