Thursday, June 21, 2018

I'm back!!!   I'm going to get back into this.  i cannot believe it was 7 years ago when i tried this before.   No trying here.  I'm on fire right now and want to dive head first into blogging....again. ha!
In order for me to be successful I'll need your help.  What would you all like to see on here?   food, travel, everyday life stuff,  life coaching bits (short for tidbits),  husbandry adventures.  let me know what you would like and I'll try my hand at it. :)

1st I'll start by posting an updated photo of me.  i did enjoy my long blonde hair back then but i now have short hair...again.  much much easier. 

 Stay tuned for an upcoming solo adventure...since i am solo I'll probably post stuff after the fact for safety reasons.  hey creeps are everywhere.

for now....Toodleloo!!

 Peace Love n Sh*t